Monday, December 12, 2011

Windows XP Pro Licensing limits?

I have a 6- year old Dell desktop that I'd like to replace with a new Dell, but I don't want Vista. I have the original install discs for XP Pro. Will I be able to install XP Pro on another desktop? How many times can this be done?

Thanks!Windows XP Pro Licensing limits?
Exactly what cherria said. As long as you are only using it on ONE computer, then Microsoft will be off your back.Windows XP Pro Licensing limits?
You can install XP for as long as you like, although Microsoft will stop supporting it at some point i,e they will stop issuing security patches.

In terms of installing it on a new machine, you can do this as many times as you buy a new machine provided you remove it from the old one you are selling or junking. i.e. one version of XP can only be operational on one machine at a time.
they do have a limit on how many times you can use but i dont know how many times. im thinking i used mine somewhere around 10 to 12 times and it gave me a message that it has been used to many times

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