Can anyone tell me how to do this so that I can pass on the info to her?
Any info or opinions would be appreciated.Windows Vista to XP??
take to computer store and have them install xp.
vista has a new service pack out so i would update and then see if her problem is fixed. i had same problem and update fixed it for me
i say take it to a store because they might just swap her the install cd for xp for her vista cd.. they do here where i liveWindows Vista to XP??
They cannot just swap the cd LEGALLY. You have to obtain a license to install Windows XP legally even if you have Windows Vista.
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Like I said before, you may not be able to install XP as there may not be drivers available. Most computers designed today, are designed with Vista in mind, not XP, so chances of downgrading to XP are very slim.
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You will need an XP installation CD. Put the CD into the CD drive and restart the computer. The installation process should start automatically. But be advised, you will need to find and download all of the XP drivers for this computer. These drivers need to be installed after XP has been installed.
You will need to purchase a copy of Windows XP. Then you can simply install it over the copy of Vista (erasing any data that is there). Some manufacturers still offer Windows XP in place of Vista, you may want to check if this is the case here.
If you are 'stuck' with Vista, be sure to install all the latest updates and drivers, to see if they resolve her issues. If this doesn't, contact the manufacturer's support--they have an obligation to provide a PC that runs smoothly.
Format the Hard Drive by going into bios
Buy a Windows XP install disk (should be quite cheap now as vista is out) then install it and follow the easy instructions,
Good luck to you and your freind.
if my advice is not really that usefull just browse on the web as their is plenty of information to help you.
You need to buy the XP software disk first. Then If you want to you can create what I call a double if you have enough memory then you can create a thing for Vista and XP. Those are very complicated and slow down your computer. Or you can send it to Dell and have them change it at little to no cost. In my opinion Vista takes time to get used to. I got 24 computers in my house and 13 of them run on Vista. Yeah Sometimes it is a pain in the Neck, but it has alot of Upgrades that XP don't have. I am a computer tech. This is my email, If you have anymore problems then send me a message at
A lot of the newer computers being sold today will not allow a downgrade to XP. There are two reasons, one is that you will invalidate your warranty, and the other is the computer manufactures did not create Windows XP drivers for the hardware that is installed. Before rolling back to XP your friend needs to check the manufacturers web site to see if there are indeed XP drivers, if not she is SOL. What is the configuration of your friends PC, it could be something as simple as not having enough memory to run Vista properly. There is also a service pack currently available for Vista that fixes a lot of Vista performance problems. If it does not show up in Windows update, your friend can download it manually from Microsoft's web site, or wait until mid April for it to show up in Windows update (my recommendation).
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