Sunday, November 14, 2010

How can I replace Windows Vista with Windows XP?

I bought a laptop that had Windows Vista preinstalled. I hate Vista but I am having trouble replacing it with XP. Everytime I attempt to boot with my XP disk, I get an error that says they cannot identify my hard drive. I've read online that it has something to do with raid drivers or something.

Can anyone give a step by step guide to removing windows vista and installing windows xp on a Presario C700.How can I replace Windows Vista with Windows XP?

I just went through this same procedure. All the forums will state that you need to interrupt the Windows XP install process by pressing F6 to install the SATA drivers. However, for Windows XP this will not work since Windows XP only allows installation of 3rd party drivers during this process with a floppy which of course does not exists. MS Windows Vista allows other types of media. The trick is to slipstream your Windows XP to already include the SATA drivers and it will work perfect. All of the other drivers are available for Windows XP to function correctly.

I can give more details on the rest of the process if needed.How can I replace Windows Vista with Windows XP?
ScottyW, would you mind giving the details on the slipstream process? I have a new Toshiba that won't recognize the hard drive when I try to scrub Vista and replace it with XP.

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back up your personal data, get a copy of all your drivers for the machine, get a copy of xp sp2 and do a fresh install, update, adjust your services ( should be good to go :)

if your having issues with raid drivers you will need to downlaod the drivers for the raid controller putting them onto a floppy, the first thing the windows xp installer asks is if you have other drivers press f6 this will allow you to select the appropriate raid driver from your floppy drive.

try using fdisk from a win 98 bootable floppy ( )

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