has anyone tried vista from XP, is it better?How do i format my laptop to replace XP with Vista?
WHY would you want to?
Read the following article first. Vista has a long way to go before it is ready to take over. Vista has a nickname in the field. It is being called Vista ME.
One day it will be king. But not until a lot of patches and fixes are applied.
Windows XP Significantly Outperforms Vista, Tests Show
The words ';Vista Compatible'; is akin to Microsoft telling Corporate America the NT4 platform would run on a 486 DX.
The executives believed it and IT had to suffer.How do i format my laptop to replace XP with Vista?
First i suggest you to upgrade you RAM up to 1GB or more.
There is 2 method did you can use to install Vista on your Laptop.
1. You can install your vista from your XP. Just instert the disk n run the setup Program.
2. Install vista with fress instalation. With this method you just instert the disk into ur DVDrom, then before your laptop is booting up make press F12 or F2 pr Esc button (depend on your laptop spect). Next the list of boot device will appear.
Just select your DVD/CDrom to be the boot device :D
Ok just waiting, n do your job :) next .. next ... next :D yup just press the next button.
if you want to use 2 OS on your laptop, it's easy.
Just put your instalation partition of your Vista defferent with your XP instalation partition.
believe me, i have tried both %26amp; xp woks just fine. vista takes up so much space %26amp; has little support for most programs. stick with xp. i strongly suggest. but if you really wanna upgrade, you don't have to reformat. just boot xp, insert the vista DVD %26amp; upgrade. none of your files will be erased but it is wise to back them all up.
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