Sunday, November 14, 2010

I want to replace Vista Windows XP Professional. How do I do that?

I just bought a laptop which came with Vista and in my opinion, it really sucks! I have my old cd for Windows XP Pro but i don't know how to take off Vista and install XP.

Anyone out there able to help me out with step by step guidance? Keep in mind that i'm not a computer wiz. Thanks, I really appreciate it.I want to replace Vista Windows XP Professional. How do I do that?
Format the hard drive then install windows xp.I want to replace Vista Windows XP Professional. How do I do that?
Insert the XP cd in your CD drive

Reboot the computer

A screen will appear after some jobs are done by the CD itself

There will be option for formatting a drive

Format the drive where Vista is now

Create the partition

Select the file systrem type. Usually NTFS


Again reboot

I think this will go.

Don't worry .There will be step by step information during all the jobs. Read them carefully. That will do the trick for you.

Below are some linkls which will help you.

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