My bf put XP on my laptop and he had to create a XP boot disk with servis pack 2...How do I Replace Windows Vista with XP?
LoL, though I don't see why you hate Vista... Since you actually don't know how to boot from a cd I guess that answers my question as well.
Try pressing F8 when you start your pc, the boot menu will pop up.
You are almost there.
You need to access the bios to tell it to boot from the cd.
Press F8 on boot up to acces the BIOS
I think its F8 or some F#.
Then slect boot priority to CD/DVD
Then it should install..
YOu will lose all of your data thats on your HD.
if you had vista on your computer and installed xp you will have problems since your computer was built for vista
you probably need to get into the Bios, press delete or one of the F keys right when you turn the computer on, in there you can change the boot order. I would be more specific but it changes depending on your computer. Also, if you have a burned copy of windows, it won't boot from it unless you burned from an ISO. If it is a burned copy, try looking up ';slip streaming windows XP';
press DEL key or F2(or the key shown at boot screen) several times when will see the boot menu..set your DVD drive as the primary boot and exit
You need to ';tell'; your computer to boot from your CD drive and not from your hard drive. You can do this with one of your function keys immediately upon startup (F6, F8, F10 etc...)
Once you get into that menu (it may take several tries using different ';F'; keys...), select ';boot from CD';. Then insert your XP CD, restart, and follow the instructions..
Get rid of it and get a Mac. Best OS by far...
When you reboot enter the ';BIOS'; Go to ';Boot and Security'; menu and make sure that the primary boot device is your CD/DVD drive. The secondary should be your Hard Drive. After this Reboot and it should say ,';Press any key too boot from CD...'; At this time press any key and then it should guide you through the install.
WARNING: Some laptops contain hardware that has NO backwards compatible drivers for XP, thus installing XP will render these hardware devices ';not working';. Check to see if your laptop is compatible with XP...
sorry mate! I use vista too!(business)and it's good!(i hope)
any questions? ask it on yahoo Answers. It's really the same but improved!It's better at everything, style, speed, ease and graphics(seriously!). Stay with it!
i can try to help you only a little but here push F12 on comp start up when it starts up look for somthing that may get you into a BIOS page now all bios are different and computers are as well which is the reason i cannot tell you exactly what to do when u hit F12 a list may come up saying stuff like BOOT From primary drive, DVD Drive etc push most likly DVD drive this should resolve your problem.
if your laptop is Dell, then just forget to downgrade it to XP because Dell has begun to manufacture laptops only for Vista. they clearly say that XP cannot be installed on them.
Firs, odds are good that this won't work. XP is simply too old to run on a lot of modern hardware, especially laptops. Before doing anything, contact the manufacturer and see if XP will run on the system.
If they say yes, you'll need to prepare. Installing XP means formatting the drive, which means wiping it clean. Any apps that came with it won't run on XP, and the restore discs won't help. You'll need to find and burn XP drivers for all of your hardware, including things like the hard drive, ethernet and motherboard chipset. You'll also need to buy a full copy (not OEM, not upgrade, and not used before) of XP.
Then boot off the XP install disc, format the drive and follow the instructions and hope for the best.
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