Sunday, November 14, 2010

Replace VISTA with XP?

Purchased a new computer with VISTA and want to replace with XP - how is the best way to do this?Replace VISTA with XP?
This is an ideal opportunity to try out the new Linux Ubuntu 7.10, the graphics and effects are far superior to Vista see link below :

Ubuntu is free as it is open source, the download link is :

Once you have downloaded Ubuntu 7.10, you will have an ISO image file. You will then need to create a bootable disc of the file.

This can be achieved by using Nero Burning ROM if you have it or MagicISO a free trial of which is available for download :

Once you have created the bootable disc, we are going to call it the LIVE CD.

Start your PC from the Ubuntu live CD, select start or install when prompted, once the Ubuntu desktop has appeared in the top left hand corner there is an option to install, double click and the installation screen will appear.

Once Ubuntu has asked you about regional settings etc. it will then take you into the partitioning table, if you select the default setting which is on the top, this will set up a dual boot scenario with Vista, or use entire disk next option down if you want to get rid of Vista, if choosing this option back up your data first as the drive will be wiped, Ubuntu will then automatically sort the space it needs and install its own Grub bootloader.

I am so taken with Ubuntu 7.10, I have ditched windows altogether and I am now running Ubuntu as my primary operating system.

You can run quite a number of windows applications on Ubuntu using WINE, a piece of software that emulates windows. For details of this visit :

Using Linux may initially seem daunting in places, but you will get use to it, I did.

You can also run Ubuntu using the Live CD without any kind of installation. However this will be somewhat slower and you would be restricted as to running applications, it would just for browsing the web really.

I work with both Ubuntu and Vista, Vista has been an expensive disappointment for me and sits mainly redundant on my hard drive and I consider Ubuntu to be far superior of the two.

I will break it down in to categories and give each system a rating out of 10.

System resource friendly :

Ubuntu 10/10

Vista 4/10

Graphics (Eye Candy) :

Ubuntu 10/10

Vista 7/10

Ease of use :

Ubuntu 7/10

Vista 9/10

Software compatability :

Ubuntu 4/10 (Open Source alternatives in some cases are available) also WINE as described above can be used.

Vista 8/10

Wireless compatability :

Ubuntu 5/10

Vista 8/10

Networking compatability :

Ubuntu 7/10

Vista 8 /10

Security :

Ubuntu 9/10

Vista 8/10

Gaming :

Ubuntu 3/10

Vista 8/10

This category sourced from various sites.

Office software :

Ubuntu 10/10 (Free)

Vista 2 /10

Price :

Ubuntu 10/10 (Free)

Vista 2/10

Overall performance :

Ubuntu 9/10

Vista 6/10

Value :

Ubuntu 8/10

Vista 2/10

It should be noted that these ratings are based on my experience working extensively with both Ubuntu and Vista.

Of the two for me Ubuntu wins hands down.Replace VISTA with XP?
Go out and buy an XP disc
don't do that
Wipe out the hdd and install xp .But must be sure that you have all drivers for xp before that
Why waste your time? XP will one day be obsolete, like 98. It will get to where you can't find any software or programs for it. I'd stick with the new. Stop being afraid of change. Go with the flow. Just get used to it and go forward, not backward.
First thing you should do is go to the computer manufacturers web site and see if they offer a downgrade. A few of them do for free. Also you might want to read through this at Microsoft's website,
First off, congrats on seeing the light through Microsoft's Vista garbage heap. Buy yourself an XP Professional disk, XP Home is purposely limited and has powerful built-in tools stripped out (don't pay more than $140 for it, I bought mine from ) and make sure that after saving everything important from your current Vista installation (documents, pictures, downloads and such) to USB flash drive or CD or whatever you use for backup, reboot your computer with the XP CD in the drive and while you're installing make sure you select the Format option for your hard drive. This should wipe away all the nasty Vistanomalies. :) Have fun using the last Microsoft OS you should ever own! When it's time to upgrade take a serious look at Linux, it's getting better than ever, and best of all, it's FREE!! :)
Buy XP an install it.

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